Macroeconomic Parameter Prediction: Leveraging Recurrent Neural Networks for US CPI Forecasting
Final Report
My dissertation explores the use of machine learning techniques to forecast the future rates of US inflation, and also determining the strongest economic determinants that help influence the inflation rate.
Self Reflection
This reflective summary captures the essence of navigating project challenges, personal growth, key achievements, and the acquisition of new skills through research and adaptation in a data analysis project.
Group Projects:
Legal Practice, Technology and Computer Science
Our investor presentation, details the design and operations of Yorbridge, a platform improving employment law justice accessibility through automated advice, affordable document generation, and strategic industry partnerships.
Group Report
This report outlines the creation and progression of Yorbridge. It explores the problem analysis, presents a comprehensive technical specification of the solution, and defines precise user requirements.
Self Reflection
This reflective report explores the project's structure, the legal and technological methodologies employed, challenges encountered and strategies used to overcome them, and the significance of improving access to justice.
Intelligent Systems 2
Project Report
This writeup includes the architecture, implementation, method selection and planning, requirements, and risk assessment and mitigation.
Source Code
We created a convolutional neural network (CNN) using PyTorch to classify images from the CIFAR-10 dataset, achieving an accuracy rate of 85.65%.
Engineering 1
Report Writeup
This writeup includes architecture, implementation, method selection and planning, requirements, and risk assessment and mitigation.
Source Code
We used the Java game development package libgdx to create Auber - a top-down real-time strategy game similar to popular game Among Us.
Coding Projects
Investment Portfolio Tracker
This investment portfolio dashboard manages investments from stocks to cash and crypto, and displays a plethora of dynamic graphs and charts to evaluate performances and portfolio allocations.
Portfolio Tracker (Simpler)
This is a less advanced version of the investment tracker. This holds a simple list of transactions, gathers live financial data from Google Finance, and offers allocation breakdowns by ticker and sector.
Tweet Sentiment Analysis
This project uses the Transformers Python module to conduct sentiment analysis on tweets regarding Tesla, categorising the tweets as either positive, negative, or neutral in nature.